Autor: Startupi

Fundado em dezembro de 2008, o Startupi é o principal portal de conteúdo direcionado ao mercado de startups, inovação, investimentos e empreendedorismo no Brasil.

This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -Startupi is doing a survey of investors in Brazil to gather information about the state of investing for an upcoming report and analysis. The survey contains twelve questions regarding business in the past year and a half. If you have not received a survey and wish to contribute your thoughts on the state of investing in Brazil, email Startupi’s editor Diego Remus at:  diego at startupi dot com dot br.

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -Startupi is doing a survey of investors in Brazil to gather information about the state of investing for an upcoming report and analysis. The survey contains twelve questions regarding business in the past year and a half. If you have not received a survey and wish to contribute your thoughts on the state of investing in Brazil, email Startupi’s editor Diego Remus at:  diego at startupi dot com dot br.

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -Startup Crossfy was a finalist in the Proxxima Startup Prize competition recently. They demoed a product that allows a person to use a smartphone or iPad to take a picture from a print source (magazine, product package, poster, etc.) and via image recognition link immediately to further information about the product, event, and so on. The original post on Startupi includes a brief video interview which demos the product (in Portuguese).

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -Startup Crossfy was a finalist in the Proxxima Startup Prize competition recently. They demoed a product that allows a person to use a smartphone or iPad to take a picture from a print source (magazine, product package, poster, etc.) and via image recognition link immediately to further information about the product, event, and so on. The original post on Startupi includes a brief video interview which demos the product (in Portuguese).

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -SEBRAE is hosting a Brazil-wide startup day on June 3rd as part of the Feira do Empreendedor, one of two major entrepreneur’s events SEBRAE holds regularly. The startup day  will include a pitch competition as well as workshops and talks. Winners of the pitch sessions will earn various prizes including free workshops and consulting. Full story.

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -SEBRAE is hosting a Brazil-wide startup day on June 3rd as part of the Feira do Empreendedor, one of two major entrepreneur’s events SEBRAE holds regularly. The startup day  will include a pitch competition as well as workshops and talks. Winners of the pitch sessions will earn various prizes including free workshops and consulting. Full story.

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -PagoTanto is product for purchasing airline tickets not unlike Priceline. Customers decide how much they are willing to pay for airline tickets and the system returns results from various airlines that are the closest matches or will watch for upcoming deals close to the preferred amount. PagoTanto was developed and mocked up during  the Porto Alegre Startup Weekend at the end of April and won the competition. Full story.

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This is part of our weekly series of posts summarizing startup news from Brazil in English. -PagoTanto is product for purchasing airline tickets not unlike Priceline. Customers decide how much they are willing to pay for airline tickets and the system returns results from various airlines that are the closest matches or will watch for upcoming deals close to the preferred amount. PagoTanto was developed and mocked up during  the Porto Alegre Startup Weekend at the end of April and won the competition. Full story.

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This is our (pretty much) weekly post summarizing startup news from Brazil in English: -Templum, based in Campinas, has built an online system called ISO Online which has quickly grown to serve 400 clients and is projecting revenue of R$4.5 million in 2012. The platform was launched in 2010 and allows remote implementation of the ISO 9001 certification. Full post in Portuguese.

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This is our (pretty much) weekly post summarizing startup news from Brazil in English: -Templum, based in Campinas, has built an online system called ISO Online which has quickly grown to serve 400 clients and is projecting revenue of R$4.5 million in 2012. The platform was launched in 2010 and allows remote implementation of the ISO 9001 certification. Full post in Portuguese.

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